Lemon Earrings Crochet Pattern

I love spring in Toronto. After such harsh winters, spring is especially pretty here. It is the gateway to summer with bright and cheery colours, and the sweetness in the air from all the blooming flowers! Lemons happen to be bright, cheery, and fragrant, which is why I was compelled to make these super adorable crochet lemon earrings!

I've been exploring crochet jewelry recently. I like the idea because it's a great way to literally make my own style, I can express myself through my creativity, and making something with yarn provides the perfect medium for accessories and jewelry. If I saw someone wearing crochet earrings at a coffee shop or on the subway, I'd probably like them right away and compliment them on their keen fashion sense. Certainly, I strive to be that kind of person :)

Besides wanting new crochet accessories, April is Stress Awareness month and I was inspired to make more lemons to squeeze stitch the stress away - remember the Lemongrab squeeze ball? I've found over the years that crochet is incredibly soothing and therapeutic. Combine that with lemons and you've got an instant mood lift.

I used stitch markers to keep track of rounds. For projects of this size I recommend using small safety pins or bits of embroidery floss. Because of how small the project is, it's especially important to be able to see where the rounds begin and end!

Pattern Notes:

To make these earrings, I crocheted in continuous rounds, which makes them seamless. I didn't join or turn at the end of each round, which would have resulted in having a giant seam down the side.

The size of the lemon will depend on the size of the crochet hook and tension used. You can use size 1.50mm up to 2.50mm crochet hooks and see what works best so you're able to easily insert the hook into every stitch. I used 2.00mm crochet hooks and made lemons that are about 1 inch or about the size of a quarter.

For this pattern I used embroidery thread but if you have crochet thread, even better because that way you won't have to join new floss as often. With the embroidery floss you'll have a bunch of loose ends that you can tuck into the lemon as you work and this is what will fill and give the lemon its shape.


-embroidery floss in yellow and green

-size 2.00mm crochet hook *see pattern notes

-stitch marker *see pattern notes

-embroidery needle for weaving ends

-earring hooks - I got mine at Michaels but you can also find these on Amazon

Stitches used (US abbrev.)

sc - single crochet

inc - increase

dec - decrease


Round 1: in magic ring make 5 sc

Round 2: inc x 5 (10 sts)

Round 3: Work even

Round 4: [inc, sc in next st] x 5 (15 sts)

Rounds 5-6: Work even

Round 7: [dec, sc in next st] x 5 (10 sts)

Round 8: work even

Switch to green yarn

Round 9: dec x 5 (5 sts)

Decrease once more then make 3-4 chains (these chains will form the loop for the earring hooks so make as many chains need to snugly secure the hooks), fasten off leaving enough thread to stitch down.

If you make these crochet lemon earrings I'd love to see your creation, just tag me on Instagram @popsdemilk_crochet and use the hashtag #popsdemilk

Looking for more crochet earring patterns? Then you might like these:

Mushroom Earrings

Peppermint Earrings


This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern and its photos may not be reproduced, distributed or resold, translated, published, altered, shared or posted in any way over the internet or offline.

You may sell finished items made from this pattern as long as it is handmade by you, not mass produced, giving the credit to Pops de Milk / Patricia Castillo as the designer. If you have any questions, you can email me at patricia@popsdemilk.com


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